Guidelines given by Justice Kailash Gambhir Delhi High Court
in dowry Case u/s 498a IPC.
1. Social workers/NGO
There is no iota of doubt that most of the complaints are
filed in the heat of the moment over trifling fights and ego clashes. It is
also a matter of common knowledge that in their tussle and ongoing hostility
the hapless children are the worst victims. Before a wife moves to file a
complaint with the Women Cell, a lot of persuasion and conciliation is
(a) The Delhi Legal Service Authority, National Commission
for Women, NGOs and social workers working for upliftment of women should set
up a desk in crime against women cell to provide them with conciliation
services, so that before the State machinery is set in motion, the matter is
amicably settled at that very stage. But, if ultimately even after efforts put
by the social workers reconciliation seems not possible then the matter should
be undertaken by the police officials of Crime against Women cell and there
also, serious efforts should be made to settle the matter amicably.
2. Police Authorities:
(a) Pursuant to directions given by the Apex Court, the
Commissioner of Police, Delhi vide Standing Order No. 330/2007 had already
issued guidelines for arrest in the dowry cases registered under Sections
498-A/406 IPC and the said guidelines should be followed by the Delhi Police
strictly and scrupulously.
(i) No case under Section 498-A/406 IPC should be registered
without the prior approval of DCP/Addl. DCP.
(ii) Arrest of main accused should be made only after
thorough investigation has been conducted and with the prior approval of the
(iii) Arrest of the collateral accused such as
father-in-law, mother- in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law etc should only
be made after prior approval of DCP on file.
(b) Police should also depute a well trained and a well
behaved staff in all the crime against women cells especially the lady
officers, all well equipped with the abilities of perseverance, persuasion,
patience and forbearance.
(c) FIR in such cases should not be registered in a routine
(d) The endeavor of the Police should be to scrutinize
complaints very carefully and then register FIR.
(e) The FIR should be registered only against those persons
against whom there are strong allegations of causing any kind of physical or
mental cruelty as well as breach of trust.
(f) All possible efforts should be made, before recommending
registration of any FIR, for reconciliation and in case it is found that there
is no possibility of settlement, then necessary steps in the first instance be
taken to ensure return of stridhan and dowry articles etc. by the accused party
to the complainant.
3. Lawyers:
Lawyers also have a great responsibility in this regard.
(a) While drafting pleadings/complaints, the lawyers should
not unnecessarily suggest incorporation of wild allegations, or in character
assassination of any of the parties or their family members whatever the case
may be.
(b) Lawyers are also to endeavor to bring about amicable
settlement between the parties as they are expected to discharge sacred duty as
social engineers in such cases instead of making them target for monetary
considerations by multiplying their cases.
4. Courts:
Subordinate courts, be it trying civil or criminal cases
concerning bail, maintenance, custody, divorce or other related matters shall
in the first instance, in every case where it is possible so to do consistently
with the nature and circumstances of the case, to make every endeavour to bring
about reconciliation between the parties.
a) The first endeavor should be for possible reunion and
restitution of the parties and as a last endeavor to bring about peaceful
b) If possible extra time should be devoted to such matters
to restore peace in the lives of rival parties be it by re-uniting them or even
in case of their parting ways.
c) Conciliatory proceedings by the court should preferably
be held in camera to avoid embarrassment.
d) Wherever, the courts are overburdened with the work,
necessary assistance of Mediation and Conciliation cells should be sought.
Apart from above directions it would not be out of place to
ask parties also to themselves adopt a conciliatory approach without
intervention of any outside agency and unless there are very compelling
reasons, steps for launching prosecution against any spouse or his/her in-laws
be not initiated just in a huff, anger, desperation or frustration.
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